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The Truth about Taping Compound and Wallboard



The question is "when can Taping Compound and Wallboard be combined to create a composite sample.  The correct answer is "when the Taping Compound is not considered a surfacing material."  So, what this means is; when the taping compound is used across the surface of the wallboard it is a surfacing material, and cannot be composited to achieve less than one percent asbestos.


This surfacing technique  was use to create a smooth finish for paint.


However, when the Taping Compound is used only over the nails and in the joints and seams only; it is then a component of the "wallboard system" and it can be composited with the wallboard.


The benefits of a composited sample displaying less than one percent is limited. First, air testing is not required, but to limit liability DEI recommends air testing anyways.  Second, the wallboard can be disposed in a non-asbestos landfill; if the landfill will accept trace amounts of asbestos.  That will be a policy decision for the landfill to make.  Third, a notification to the Connecticut Department of Public Health would not be required. Most contractors will still provide a courtesy notification. Contractors will do this because your co-workers, and neighbors will call CT DPH when they see the men in white suits with respirators.  


All other regulations remain in place.  Full containment, with trained personnel, personal protective equipment (PPE), and final visual inspections are still required.



Please remember that trace amounts of asbestos can contaminate your building.  The requirements for full containment with negative air, and a final visual inspection for "no visible dust or debris" remain.



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